- The world's top R&D institution of horticultural and herbal science
- Promote the continuous development and competitiveness of the horticultural and herbal industries by sharing public value
National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science(NIHHS) Rural Development Administration(RDA) is committed to creating a future agriculture by developing horticultural and herbal varieties(vegetables, fruits, flowers, ginsengs, medicinal plants, and mushrooms), production technology, and value adding based on technological convergence in ICT and BT. By developing and commercializing world-class technology, it aims to increase farm household income and improve public health.

- 2022 FEB
- Established Allium Vegetable Research Institute in NIHHS
- 2021 July
- Established Industrial Crop Utilization Division in NIHHS
- 2016 MAY
- Established Postharvest Research Division in NIHHS
- 2015 MAY
- Established Urban Agricultural Research Division in NIHHS
- 2013 AUG
- Established Postharvest Research Team in NIHHS
- 2010 APR
- Reorganized as the Urban Agricultural Research Team
- 2008 OCT
- Reorganized as the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), RDA
- 2004 JAN
- Reorganized as the NHRI, RDA having 8 divisions, 3 local experiment stations, and 1 substation
- 1999 MAY
- Reorganized as the NHRI, RDA with 11 divisions, 2 local institutes, 2 research teams and 1 substation
- 1994 DEC
- Reorganized as the National Horticultural Research Institute(NHRI), RDA by merging the HES and FTRI
- 1991 NOV
- The Fruit Tree Research Institute (FTRI) was separated from the HES, RDA
- 1962 APR
- Renamed as the HES, Rural Development Administration (RDA)
- 1957 MAY
- Reorganized as the Horticultural Experiment Station (HES), Institute of Agriculture
- 1953 MAY
- Reorganized as the National Horticultural Technological Institute